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Telemental Health

Telemental Health services are used for a variety of reasons:

1. Rural and underserved areas oftentimes suffer from limited access to mental health services. Individuals who live in these areas are reluctant to seek mental health counseling because of the travel distance. Telemental health offers those individuals a regular visit by a mental health counselor....without even leaving the house. 

2. Therapists who offer a mental health component offer great benefits to their clients by a telemental health practice. Already established clients may continue attending therapy even if they are on vacation, or even if their counselor is on vacation. The counselor is only as close as the login to the virtual site.


3. Sickness of the client is not an issue with continuance of care. Clients can choose to continue their sessions in the comfort of their living room, even in their pajamas if they wish.


4. Businessmen who have a "too busy schedule" can choose to select a therapist from their office rather than to go to the counselor's office. Or may choose to both...routinely they may visit the counselor's office, but on extended days at the office where demands make it virtually impossible/virtual visits may be the substitute.

What is Doxy.me?

Doxy is very simple to do:

1. Find your therapist
Type in https://doxy.me/MsCaldwell

2.  Schedule an appointment for a counseling time
Arrange for a counseling time either through this website or by calling my office                       (814) 838-1400

3. Look for "the waiting room" on Doxy
On the website-you will then see my picture and on the left side the "waiting room".

4. Start your online session
When I am on Doxy and see you have logged in/ I will then take you out of the waiting room and we can begin our session (must use a google email). Easy as that!

It's FREE to the clients, encripted and hippa secured. Telemental Health is the provision of mental health services using live, interactive videoconferencing. All mental health procedures that are delivered "face-to-face" can be delivered remotely via Telemental Health.